At the beginning of this year, the Wensheng video Sora released by OpenAI and Kimi, an intelligent assistant launched by Dark Side of the Moon earlier, quickly circled, which set off a wave of AI film and television applications. In the same month, ByteDance's Volcano Engine Bean Bag video released the PixelDance generation model, which has been tested in a small scale. At the Digital Technology Ecology Conference held in early December, China Telecom released a large model of Wensheng video.Kede Education, Only Education, Xueda Education, Iflytek, Shiyuan, Honghe, Century Tianhong, Doushen Education, Shengtong, Jingyeda, Entrepreneurial Dark Horse, Oriental Selection, Kevin Education, Zhonggong Education, Fangzhi Technology.AI+ education
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AI+ chipAI+ dianshangIn the future, we hope to see the integration of reality and reality and a new teaching paradigm of "teacher, student and machine" interaction.